Initial Consultation
I think it’s extremely important in any talking therapy that you are happy and comfortable with your therapist. For this reason I offer a reasonable rate consultation for you to come along and meet me, check that you like me and to share what is troubling you. From our conversation I will devise a treatment plan and suggest how many sessions you will need. *Generally most clients need between 4 and 6, but do bare in mind that not everybody’s troubles and life experiences are the same. The initial consultation will last around an hour or so. At this appointment I will explain how hypnotherapy works, how it will make you feel and answer any questions or worries that you may have.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Most of us have already experienced hypnosis without actually realising it. Have you ever driven to a destination and not remembered large parts of the journey? This was your subconscious mind taking over the process of driving whilst your conscious mind wandered. Even when you are just beginning to drift off to sleep or awaken in the morning, the transition between the wakened and sleep states are also hypnotic experiences. Did you know that day dreaming is also a form of hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation where you will remain in control at all times. I feel it’s such a shame that most people’s first encounter of hypnosis is through watching TV or a stage hypnotherapist. This can lead people to believe that they may be controlled or manipulated to do something silly. Nothing can be further from the truth. As a fully qualified and professional clinical hypnotherapist, I can promise you I will not have you barking like a dog or clucking like a chicken.

How will hypnosis make me feel?
This really depends on what I am treating you for: for example if you are having a session around confidence/self-esteem or motivation you will feel pretty energized, inspired and raring to go. *If I am helping you with other issues such as depression/anxiety/letting go of issues from the past then it’s likely that you will initially feel a little tired, however later that day or the following day you will start to feel more positive as changes start to happen.
During the session itself you may remember some of my words or none at all. You may find yourself drifting in and out – one minute we may be at step 15 then next step 1 and you may find you don’t remember the ones in between, this is perfectly normal. Whilst lying there your conscious mind may be thinking about other things such as what you are doing tomorrow. This is fine as I am accessing your subconscious mind whilst your conscious mind is free to wonder.
You may experience feelings of heaviness throughout your body, or tingling, you may see bright lights or feel like you are floating. These are all perfectly normal and you have nothing to worry about. There is no right or wrong experience and you will be safe at all times. *The day after the session it’s quite likely that you will find that you have more energy and if you struggle with your sleep you will find that changes for the better.
Please note results may vary from person to person. Some clients may need more or less sessions than others.