Depression affects so many people every year. For some people depression can be a very short episode which occurs only once in their life time. However, for many people it can be chronic and have a huge impact on their lives. The main symptoms of depression are: feeling constantly sad, high levels of anxiety, lack of energy or motivation, feeling irritable and restless, feeling worthless, a lack of interest in social activities, difficulty sleeping or having too much sleep, changes in appetite, difficulties getting out of bed in the morning, dreading the day, fears, shakiness, mental slowing and dullness, slowed reaction time, and total inefficiency. If you are finding yourself agreeing with most of the symptoms above its likely that you are suffering from depression.
What causes depression?
Depression can come on suddenly due to a physical illness, becoming unemployed, experiencing bereavement, money worries, issues from your childhood, work issues or other life changing events. Sometimes you may not even know the trigger for your depression, try not to worry if you can’t put your finger on the causes as sometimes there are not any and it can just happen.
Types of Depression. – Mild Depression.
This is where you may feel low but it doesn’t really affect your daily living.
Severe Depression
This type of depression really does interfere with your life – it can affect your eating, sleeping, motivation to do everyday activities. It can sometimes lead to hospital admission if you are at a risk of harming yourself.
Bi-polar Disorder
If you are suffering from this type of depression, you will be experiencing really good feelings one day, where you will feel elated, make irrational decisions and can take on the world. However, the next day could be a completely different matter and you may feel extremely low, have feelings of despair and even feel suicidal.
Post-natal Depression
If you are suffering from this type of depression it’s likely that you will be feeling overwhelmed, unable to cope, may be struggling with sleeping or suffering from panic attacks. It’s also quite likely that you will be experiencing negative feelings towards your child.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
SAD usually comes on at the start of Winter and can even last until spring. If you are suffering mildly from this it is known as the ‘winter blues’. However full blown SAD can make you feel very depressed, anxious, stressed and can interfere with your sleeping and eating patterns.

How can hypnotherapy help with depression?
*Hypnosis for depression can help address any underlying causes as well as help you find more effective coping strategies. *It can also help you to feel happier, more positive and remove any negative thinking. *Through hypnosis I can help you to develop a more positive outlook on your life, lift your mood and get you back to the old you.
If you are reading this as you are struggling with depression and have found that medication doesn’t help or maybe simply you would prefer not to touch the medication and try an alternative why not consider hypnotherapy.
Throughout my years of practicing, many clients have reported that counselling or CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) has just not worked for them. *Hypnotherapy is different, as it’s a fast therapy, giving you the tools and techniques that enable you to beat those low feelings and to get back on track to feeling like the old you.
*I have worked with many clients over the years who have suffered with depression and have helped them to really turn their lives around for the better. *At the consultation I will gather all the information I need and from that I will suggest a treatment plan to help you to feel better both physically and emotionally.
*Please note results may vary from person to person. Some clients may need more or less sessions than others.