Feeling angry is a normal emotion to feel. Anger usually is a result of feeling under attack or insulted. For most people this natural reaction will pass easily and quickly, however in some cases it can be difficult for some people to calm down and regain control.
If you are struggling to manage your anger, it’s very likely that it will be affecting your relationships at home and work. Anger can set of physical reactions in your body, also known as the fight or flight situation. This is where adrenaline will be pumped round the body getting you ready to fight or flee. This can cause a situation where fighting or running away isn’t an appropriate option, making it difficult to express your anger. This can be where the problem can develop. If you are not able to express your anger and you hold onto it, this can cause outbursts and likely to make you feel worse or even angrier in general.
Anger can also bring on physical symptoms too, such as colds and flu, high blood pressure, strokes and heart conditions. Unfortunately feelings of anger, if not treated quickly and at the time, can develop into mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
How can Hypnotherapy help me to control my anger?
At the initial consultation I will do a thorough assessment of how your feeling, look at the triggers that cause your anger, look at past experiences and establish if there is a root cause. Once I have gathered all the information at the consultation, I will then devise and discuss a treatment plan with you. During your sessions it’s likely that I will work on calming and changing your negative thought process, give you tools and techniques during hypnosis, which enables you to calmly deal with any situation that may crop up. *The end result being that you reactions will be calmer in any heated situations and your physical symptoms will be under complete control.
How many sessions will I need?
*This really does vary from person to person, however usually this is treated within 4 – 6 sessions.
*“Before I undertook weekly sessions with Sam, my thoughts and feelings were taking me to a prison cell for an indefinite amount of time.
I was on heavy duty antidepressants and antipsychotics for a long time.
After trying and failing at CBT, AA and anything that involved an audience/confronting my demons, hypnosis gave me a path out without degrading myself but by being honest.
An hour in peace were you can vent your spleen without questioning or judgment but just being listened too.
10 sessions later, I no longer dream of destruction, self harm or hate/blame myself for everything. Sam’s therapy gave me the tools to deal with everything that I couldn’t face and that, in turn, changed my perspective on life.
After 22 years of negative thoughts, low self esteem, self harming and loathing, turns out after all that it doesn’t have to be that way forever.
I can honestly say that this therapy saved my life and possibly others.” ~ R*
*Please note results may vary from person to person. Some clients may need more or less sessions than others.